OUR Philosophy

Land+Object is a Diné-owned, female-led brand exploring the space between permanence and global identity. Our products are proudly indigenous-designed and indigenous-manufactured to share unique stories of tradition using modern artisanal techniques.

Our founder, Sheyenne Sky, firmly believes that positive change can be inspired in the fashion industry by promoting Diné life way values such as peace, balance, harmony, and beauty.

  • The quality of remaining unchanged indefinitely.

    Dóó łaa iindóó nééł’ dah’

  • Consciousness of a global community transcending national borders.

    Díí kééyaah nilł’dah’ nee’heeł sáá ah niigii’ bikaa’gii tah’ łla’ah néé dlih’

  • Also known as “Traditional Ecological Knowledge” or “Native Science”

    Indigenous wisdom is the ecological knowledge acquired by indigenous people over thousands of years through direct contact with the environment.

    This is a term I was recently introduced to thanks to Muscogee-Creek painter Ofuskie. Through a decade-long inquiry into Native American science and futurism, and many philosophical conversations, he helped me understand scientific terminology surrounding the process-based approach L+O seeks to highlight and promote.

  • Global Indigenous Solidarity

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, indigenous people makeup only 5% of the world’s population but represent 15% of the world’s poor. There are approximately 185 million indigenous women worldwide. Globally, it is often women that take on leadership roles in fighting systemic racism, land and territory disputes, and other collective indigenous rights issues.

    We aim to bridge the gap that keeps the means of production out of the hands of indigenous people. We will promote traditional artistic practices and foster new ones. We will raise awareness to support efforts against slave labour, genocide, and other forms of cultural erasure.

  • Empowering Indigenous Manufacturing

    According to the film, The True Cost, there are approximately 40 million garment workers in the world, 85% are women. After the 2013 tragedy at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, the fashion world got a shocking and preventable wake-up call. To this day, garment workers disproportionately suffer from dangerous working conditions and many forms of exploitation.

    We support our indigenous relatives in emerging fashion development hubs at every level of the supply chain- from herders to garment and textile workers and designers. We will advocate for decent pay and reasonable working hours, as well as other necessary amenities such as access to daycare and affordable healthcare. We will promote the visibility of indigenous relatives, and raise up their voices.

  • Ethical Production

    Our business seeks to responsibly further our cause through the use of modern tools and materials. In our clothing, we use 100% undyed, unbleached virgin fibers. We never use single-use plastics at any point in the supply chain for our products but do recognize plastic-based fabrics as a way to increase the durability of natural products. We are also working on the option to receive a small discount in return for foregoing the packaging experience entirely and opting for reusable packaging.

  • Indigenous Luxury

    Through thousands of years of refinement, indigenous people around the world have listened to the flow of the natural world around them to find unique ways to live in balance. Nomadic herder lifestyles, in particular, are not only “zero waste” but also a form of stewardship that serves the Earth.

    We will sustain traditional knowledge for future indigenous generations by economically supporting traditional lifestyles today. We will foster connections that strengthen a global indigenous identity across all continents.


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